Gagan Dhawan Inspires You To Practice Spirituality With Digital Tools
Indeed, today, one of the common problems faced by large number of individuals is distraction, confusion, imbalance in work-life and disharmony in relationships. In view of continuous onslaught of digital media, all of us have formed digital habits which are making it difficult for us to reflect, contemplate, and ponder. For authenticity in all that we do and form profound relationships with one and all it is essential to increase out spiritual quotient and balance our digital habits. Gagan Dhawan author, entrepreneur and fitness enthusiast, reads between the lines and guides you to advance on spiritual path with the aid of technology. Gagan Dhawan helps you expand your perspective with different ways and means offered by technology to explore the uncharted waters of spirituality. Mr. Dhawan throws light on the possibility of pursuing spirituality with accessories offered by technology. He inspires to practice spirituality with digital tools. If you look closely, there is an in...